Learn how to draw a chick. An easy step by step instructions for a cute cartoon baby chick drawing made from two simple circles.
Here’s how to draw a chick by following easy step by step drawing instructions. Starting from a simple two-circle sketch, we will draw a fluffy and cute baby chick that looks very happy bravely jumping out of an eggshell into a bright wide world. With a bonus variation at the end.
You will need: pencil, fineliner pen, colored pencils, eraser and drawing paper or sketchbook
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How to draw a chick: base sketch step by step
Step 1: Sketch the chick's body and head
Our chick drawing starts with laying out the base body proportions using the usual simple shapes.
Draw a large circle for the chick’s head. Then draw another one overlapping underneath the head – this one is about the same size, a touch smaller and flatter, not a perfect circle, but rather a bit of an oval.
Step 2: Sketch the chick's wings, tail and thighs
Let’s use some simple bent “V” shapes to lay out more of the chick’s body.
Draw two larger “Vs” for the chick’s wings. Notice the one on the right is more closed, almost a pointy “U”. Add a smaller “V” for the chick’s tail – this one starts behind the body, so the rear half is partially hidden – and shorter.
Finally, add two more wide “Vs” for the chicken’s thighs – again, one is in front, so it overlaps the body, the other is behind, so it ends at the body circle line.
Step 3: Sketch the chick's legs
Now it is time to give our chick some legs. Our chick is running, so draw one leg pointing forward, and the other backwards.
Sketch the legs with simple thin lines, for the time being, just to get the base shapes right. Draw a straight line for the lower leg, then three bent fingers pointing to the front and one straight line-finger in the opposite direction.
Step 4: Sketch the chicks face and beak
Our chick drawing is almost done, all it needs is a face.
Start by drawing the beak. The upper part of the beak is a half-moon “C” shape. Then draw a bent “V” underneath for the lower open part of the beak/mouth.
For the eyes, we are going with simple short curves to mark closed eyes, that give the chick a very cute and happy expression.
Step 5: Sketch the egg shell
The final sketching step is to draw the eggshell that our chick is walking out of.
The eggshell is made out of a flat oval for the top opening plus a “U” shaped curve for the lower part of the eggshell.
Here is another fluffy chick to draw:
How to Draw a Penguin – Young Chick and an Adult
Learn how to draw a penguin. First start with a simple and cute penguin chick. After the warmup, we draw an adult penguin bird in a nice dynamic position.How to draw a chick: outline the drawing step by step
Step 1: Draw the chick's head
With the sketch done, let’s outline the chick drawing, starting from the head.
To suggest the fluffy chick feathers sticking out at random without drawing them in detail, we will use the zig-zag line we used for the fur on our monkey, hamster, scruffy dog or scruffy cat drawing tutorials.
Add some larger pointed “hair” on the top of the chick’s head, and then a few small zig-zags as you draw around the head outline.
Step 2: Draw the chick's wings, tail and thights
Continuing with the outline, add three small zig-zags to the pointy ends of the wings and tail – these will look like the individual feathers.
Next, outline the front thigh. We will draw the other thigh after we are done with the body outline.
Step 3: Draw the chick's round body
Now it is time to finish outlining the body, adding a few zig-zag scruffs as you go. With the body outline done, you can draw in the rear thigh.
Step 4: Draw the cracked eggshell
Before we finish the chick’s feet, draw the cracked eggshell, as it will partially hide the feet.
Roughly follow the top and bottom oval corners with a zig-zag crack line, adding (or shall I say removing) some larger broken off pieces on the front of the eggshell to show more of the rear foot. Then outline the bottom edge of the shell with a smooth line.
Step 5: Draw the chick's feet
Next, draw the chick’s feet. Draw around the single-line sketched fingers with a doubled-up outline. Leave out the part of the foot that is hidden behind the eggshell.
Step 6: Draw the chick's face and beak
Here are some of the last small improvements on the sketch. Outline the eyes as sketched.
When outlining the chick’s beak, add a small upside-down “V” to the lower “mouth” for the tongue.
Also, notice that we have added a small “smile” curve corner to the mouth – not that the real chicks can smile, but this is a cute cartoon chick drawing.
Try another farm bird next:
How to Draw a Turkey – Easy Cartoon Style
Learn how to draw a turkey. An easy to follow step by step tutorial to draw a simple but great looking cartoon-style turkey proudly showing off its colourful feathers.How to draw a chick: finished drawing
How to draw a chick: finished outline drawing
Finally, here is the cleaned-up result of our how to draw a chick tutorial – just the ink outline with the sketch lines erased.
This is one dangerously cute newborn baby chick being very happy as it jumps out from its cracked eggshell. Now, real newborn chicks do not jump out of eggs and are not all that fluffy until they dry out – but again, this is a lovely cartoon chick drawing, so some cuteness is in place.
How to draw a chick: finished drawing coloured-in
Now that you know how to draw a chick, all that is left is to colour in your drawing.
Our baby chick is bright yellow, with some darker yellow shading. We have used a beige for the outer eggshell, and some light grey for the inside. The feet and beak are bright orange.
Since baby chicks are usually born in springtime, we have added a lush green grass background to contrast the bright yellow chick.
Baby chick drawing variation: big eyes
Well, we could not resist adding another variation on how to draw a chick, that just by a touch did not make the cut for the main tutorial. Here is the same baby chick drawing with some seriously large cartoony eyes.
Simply by swapping the eyes and using the closed eye lines for puffy cheeks – the rest of the drawing is exactly the same as above – you get more of a Disney cartoon looking baby chick. So take your pick!